Automation that saves time and costs.

Kloo delivers a wide suite of AI-powered spend management tools from request-to-pay, saving you time and money

Get control and visibility over spend and operation efficiency for your procure-to-pay processes. Explore our wide suite of modules, including autonomous invoice management, Purchasing Copilot, AP Analytics, flexible payments, and procurement cards.

Create a purchase request with Kloo

Purchasing Copilot 

  • Request spend in natural language via email or chatbot
  • Automated approval workflows
  • Budgetary context for decision-makers
  • Foreign currency PO support
Automated Invoice Management

Automated Invoice Management

  • Invoices inbox and OCR data extraction
  • AI-powered purchase order and invoice matching
  • Foreign currency invoices supported
  • Off-platform email approval functionality
Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

  • Unified list of your supplier
  • Automated invoice and purchase orders matching
  • Visual breakdown of your supplier spend
  • Ability to add new payees directly from the platform
Flexible Payments

Flexible Payments

  • Faster payments
  • SEPA Instant Payments
  • GBP and EUR wallet
  • Payment initiation services
  • Smart payment run creation and approvals engine
  • Account information services for off-platform payments and analytics
Kloo's modern procurement cards

Modern Procurement Cards

  • Globally accepted Visa virtual and physical cards
  • New card and expense approval workflows
  • Card controls and mobile app card management
  • Receipt matching and OCR data extraction
  • Card spend analytics
  • Automatic Subscription identification

ERP Integrations

  • Seamlessly transfer your data between your payment and ERP systems
  • No manual uploads
  • Reduce work for your team, eliminate errors and speed up the closing process

Read what our customers think...

Ease of use

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting features, Kloo has made it easy for our team to track and manage our company's expenses in real-time.

Ashkan Valadan, CFO

Enabling Agility

Our CTO is happy because he can move quicker. Our finance team is happy because they have real-time visibility into and control over what’s being spent.

Sam Carter, CEO

Greater Control

Kloo enabled me to see, control and report in real-time where money is spent, freeing up my time to focus on tasks that create company value.

Alexis Jackson, Managing Director

Seamless Onboarding

Onboarding to Kloo was quick and seamless. The product is great, intuitive and easy to use which made rolling out to wider business a breeze.

Luke Trobe , CFO

Instant Visibility

Thanks to Kloo invoice management solutions we now have immediate access to a listing of all of our outstanding liabilities.  

David Hodsman, Group Financial Controller

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to automate accounts payable?

To automate accounts payable, businesses can implement accounts payable software that automates processes throughout the procure-to-pay cycle, from raising purchase requests to the final payment of invoices. Accounts Payable automation software streamlines each stage using technology, ensuring accurate, efficient, and bottleneck-free AP processes with minimal manual intervention.

What is AP process automation?

AP process automation harnesses technology to automate manual tasks and streamline the accounts payable process. Using technologies including rules-based triggers, artificial intelligence (AI), optical character recognition (OCR), and natural language processing (NLP), finance teams can automate processes throughout P2P, including PO generation, invoice data extraction, matching, workflow assignment, to name a few.
The use of these technologies helps businesses scale their accounts payable and procurement effortlessly, with efficient operations and tight financial control. 

Why do we need AP automation?

Accounts payable automation is crucial for scaling financial operations, maintaining tight financial control, empowering informed spending, and mitigating maverick or fraudulent spend that can damage your bottom line. By automating the accounts payable process, businesses can handle large volumes of purchase requests and invoices without sacrificing accuracy or financial oversight. 


Is AP automation worth it?

AP automation is highly beneficial, with businesses using AI-powered automation reporting an 80% reduction in time spent on invoice uploads and coding. Automation transforms accounts payable from a labour-intensive and error-prone function into a streamlined and efficient process, translating into huge cost savings and ROI.

How can AI be used for accounts payable automation?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances accounts payable automation by enabling systems to intelligently automate tasks using contextual reasoning and machine learning to improve over time. 

In tasks such as invoice matching, AI can go beyond simple rule-based automation by adapting to recognize patterns and discrepancies, thereby increasing accuracy and efficiency as it handles repetitive tasks. This intelligent automation transforms the AP process, making it more robust and less dependent on manual intervention.

AI can also be used to improve user experience and make systems more intuitive, for example, using natural language processing to allow users to raise purchase requests in their own words. 


How does AP automation work?

Accounts payable automation streamlines the AP process by using software to automate formerly manual AP tasks e.g. invoice data extraction and coding. This technology reduces manual input and error rates, improving efficiency and accuracy in financial operations. By using AP automation software, businesses can reduce wasted and maverick spend and establish tight financial control.

How to automate manual data entry in accounts payable?

To automate manual data entry in accounts payable, implement software that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract and ‘understand’ the text data from documents. These technologies extract and process data from invoices, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimising errors. This approach not only speeds up the AP process but also enhances accuracy and efficiency.

What software does accounts payable use?

While most ERPs and accounting systems have some AP functionality, accounts payable is optimally managed using purpose-built AP automation software that leverages the latest technology to improve efficiency and accuracy. These systems integrate with 2-way data-sharing to your ERP, maintaining this as your single source of truth.

What is the full cycle of AP?

The full cycle of accounts payable encompasses several sequential steps that are essential for maintaining financial control. It begins with raising a purchase request, followed by the approval workflow, and then generating and sending a purchase order (PO) to the supplier. Upon receiving goods, the invoice is received, uploaded, and coded, then matched against the PO. Finally, the invoice is approved, and payment is made. This comprehensive process ensures accurate financial transactions and accountability within a business.

What are the steps for accounts payable?

The accounts payable process is a critical financial operation that involves several key steps to manage company expenditures effectively. Initially, a purchase request is raised and approved before a purchase order (PO) is generated and sent to the supplier. Upon receipt of goods, the corresponding invoice is received, uploaded, and coded. The invoice is then matched with the PO, followed by invoice approval and the final step of making the payment.

What is the P2P process in accounts payable?

The P2P (Procure-to-Pay) process in accounts payable is a cycle that starts with requisitioning goods or services and ends with payment to the supplier. It includes steps such as submitting and approving purchase requests, issuing purchase orders, receiving and verifying the goods or services, processing and matching invoices, and finally executing payments.

Let's get started