100% visibility and control over spend.

No more uncontrolled, non-negotiated spend.

Kloo leverages GenAI to help businesses optimise their spend management processes by increasing visibility and control over spend, reducing supplier costs, and helping users make more informed, strategic decisions on spend before it is committed.

Spend smarter and save big on your annual supplier costs.

Supplier Spend Analysis

Supplier spend analysis & insights

Over-spending on supplier costs can accrue millions in company spend annually. Powered by AI analytics and insight, Kloo delivers digestible and bespoke reports of your company spend by supplier level to help you identify any areas to apply cost-saving initiatives.

Get built-in alerts across a wide range of data metrics, including how purchases will affect adherence to budgets, potential duplicate spend, and time-specific spend insights.


Supplier Negotiation

AI-powered supplier negotiations

Strengthen your company's spend control before reaching procure-to-pay. Kloo's AI-enabled negotiation checkpoint helps craft supplier negotiation email templates by providing viable negotiation tactics, so you can save on your annual supplier costs.

Historical supplier data and purchasing patterns are used to inform contextual tactics and draft negotiation email templates that are bespoke to your organisation.

Supplier Cost Benchmarking Report

Supplier cost benchmarking

One of the most important data points for identifying the value of a supplier cost is how the quote received compares to similar companies who are procuring similar services. Kloo provides these details by leveraging AI to help your business implement stronger spend control.

Kloo's supplier benchmarks provide insight into how much users spend with certain suppliers in comparison to others, which is provided during the approval process. 

Spend Control & Procurement Cost Reduction

Gen AI-enabled supplier context

Kloo's generative AI delivers a bite-sized overview of supplier benchmarks directly within a purchase request approval email, with details that include online reviews, pros, cons, and alternative supplier suggestions.

This supplier context will give approvers further details about the supplier being raised in the purchase request to help approvers make strategic spend decisions and implement spend control.

Ease of use

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting features, Kloo has made it easy for our team to track and manage our company's expenses in real-time.

Ashkan Valadan, CFO

Enabling Agility

Our CTO is happy because he can move quicker. Our finance team is happy because they have real-time visibility into and control over what’s being spent.

Sam Carter, CEO

Greater Control

Kloo enabled me to see, control and report in real-time where money is spent, freeing up my time to focus on tasks that create company value.

Alexis Jackson, Managing Director

Seamless Onboarding

Onboarding to Kloo was quick and seamless. The product is great, intuitive and easy to use which made rolling out to wider business a breeze.

Luke Trobe , CFO

Instant Visibility

Thanks to Kloo invoice management solutions we now have immediate access to a listing of all of our outstanding liabilities.  

David Hodsman, Group Financial Controller

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Dive into our spend management resources.

Learn about spend optimisation and control, supplier management, and procure-to-pay analysis.

Spend Control

How to Implement Best Practice Spend Control

Discover how to unlock best practice spend control for your business by implementing spend management software to improve financial visibility.

Maverick Spend

The Real Cost of Maverick Spend (and How to Avoid It)

Learn how to tackle maverick spend and boost financial health with intuitive tools, enhanced user experience, compliance culture, & purpose-built systems.

Spend Analysis

Spend Analysis 101: Your Complete Guide

Explore the importance of spend analysis in procurement and its many benefits, key KPIs, data sources, and how to optimise your spend management strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is spend management?

Spend management refers to the process of tracking, controlling, and optimising a company’s expenditures. It encompasses everything from procurement to payments and is designed to ensure that every pound spent is accounted for and aligned with the organisation’s budget and objectives. Effective spend management requires the use of tools like spend management software to monitor spend control and reduce maverick spend. By implementing strong spend optimisation strategies, companies can improve their financial performance and make more informed purchasing decisions.

How do I conduct a spend analysis?

Spend analysis involves collecting, categorising, and evaluating an organisation’s expenditure data. To conduct spend analysis, start by collecting and consolidating all procurement-related data, such as invoices, purchase orders, and supplier contracts. Next, categorise the data by spend categories (e.g., supplier, department, product). Analyse the data to identify trends, such as maverick spend, opportunities for cost reduction, and areas where purchasing can be optimised. Using spend management software can streamline this process, providing automated insights and ensuring accuracy. The analysis should help you make informed decisions about spend optimisation and drive more efficient procurement management.

How can spend management software benefit your business?

Spend management software allows businesses to gain full visibility and control over their spend. It centralises spend data, helping organisations automate their processes, reduce errors, and enforce compliance. This type of software also plays a crucial role in managing supplier spend analysis and procurement spend analysis. By using such tools, companies can achieve spend optimisation and enforce stricter spend control, ultimately driving down costs and increasing profitability.


Is there software available for supplier management?

Yes, supplier management software is available to help businesses manage and optimise their relationships with suppliers. This software streamlines tasks such as supplier negotiation, monitoring supplier performance, and ensuring compliance with contracts. By using supplier management tools, organisations can reduce risks, negotiate better terms, and improve procurement efficiency. Additionally, supplier management software supports procurement cost reduction efforts by identifying areas for improvement within the supply chain and helping businesses achieve more effective supplier management overall.


How do I reduce supplier costs?

Reducing supplier costs involves implementing several supplier cost reduction strategies, such as conducting supplier benchmarking, engaging in effective supplier negotiation, and performing thorough spend analysis to identify inefficiencies. Businesses can also use supplier management software to monitor supplier performance, track spending trends, and negotiate better terms. These tools help organisations identify areas for improvement in the procurement process, ultimately driving procurement cost reduction and optimising supplier relationships.

What does the process of spend optimisation usually involve?

Spend optimisation consists of strategies aimed at maximising the value of an organisation’s expenditures while minimising unnecessary costs. This involves regular spend analysis to identify spending patterns, negotiating better contracts with suppliers, and enforcing compliance with procurement policies to reduce maverick spend. Additionally, leveraging spend management software helps automate and monitor spending, ensuring that all purchases align with the company’s financial goals. Effective spend optimisation leads to improved cost efficiency and greater control over overall company spend.

How does Kloo optimise spend management?

Kloo optimises spend management by offering an integrated platform that consolidates all procurement and supplier-related activities. With tools for procurement management, spend analysis, and supplier negotiation, Kloo helps businesses achieve full visibility over their procurement process. The platform enables better decision-making by providing real-time insights into maverick spend and highlighting areas for spend optimisation. By automating workflows and improving compliance, Kloo empowers businesses to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and maximise supplier performance.

What is maverick spend?

Maverick spend refers to any purchases made outside of an organisation’s established procurement processes or contracts. This can happen when employees bypass the company's approved suppliers or fail to follow purchasing guidelines, leading to unplanned or non-compliant expenditures. Maverick spend can result in higher costs, lack of visibility into spending, and difficulties in tracking supplier performance. Implementing strong procure-to-pay systems and spend control mechanisms can significantly reduce maverick spend, ensuring that all purchases are approved and accounted for.

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