Your Smart Invoice Inbox.

For instant, fraud-free invoice uploads. 

Logo dark 2-1 Full visibility of all invoices instantly in your ERP.

Logo dark 2-1  Accurately extracts invoice data using  OCR and AI technology.

Logo dark 2-1  Runs background fraud checks to flag suspicious invoices. 

Touch-free invoice uploads

Suppliers can send invoices directly to your Smart Invoice Inbox, making invoice uploads completely touch-free.

Never have an invoice slip through the cracks again. 


Kloo's OCR and AI layered invoice management

Powerful OCR and AI data extraction

Kloo scans invoice documents attached to emails using the latest OCR technology. Machine learning then interprets and structures extracted data into the format required by your ERP.

Built-in fraud detection 

Invoice data is cross-checked with official databases to detect and flag potentially fraudulent documents. If flagged, invoices are subsequently escalated to your team for further review.


Seamlessly integrated with your ERP

Kloo's Smart Inbox instantly transfers invoice data to your ERP or accounting system, with integrations that take less than 10 minutes to set up. 

Autonomous Matching 

After upload, Kloo uses AI and contextual reasoning to automatically conduct either 2- or 3-way matching with invoices and goods receipts, an essential step for good financial control. 



Explore our resources on invoice management, OCR, and fraud prevention,


Invoice Capture in 2024:
Strategies for Success

Explore the latest advancements in invoice capture in 2024, potential pitfalls and how to avoid them, and strategies to fully automate invoice uploads, fraud screening, matching, and workflow assignment.
Data Capture Ebook


AI in Invoice Management: Unlocking Efficiency in AP

Artificial intelligence has exciting applications across financial operations, but how and why should we be using AI tools in invoice management?

AI in Invoice Management Unlock Efficiency for AP


Enhancing AP Fraud Detection with Automation

The threat of fraudulent activity has always been an unfortunate reality for AP teams. With the advent of AI, the task of fighting fraud in procurement is changing for the better. Download to find out how.
Enhancing Accounts Payable Fraud Detection with Automation (1)
Take a tour mockup multiple flows-1

Take the product tour or get in touch to learn more about how Kloo can enhance your AP with Certinia.