Streamline and automate the complete procedure of paying your suppliers and contractors worldwide.
Invoices undergo OCR technology for automated, straight-through processing, encompassing the complete approval cycle from invoice receipt to payment.
Implement a comprehensive, customised onboarding system that is user-friendly and smart.
Pay suppliers across borders and currencies across multiple payment methods in a matter of clicks.
Kloo simplifies the process of implementing accounts payable controls and execution for businesses encompassing multiple subsidiaries and business units.
Avoid partner payment errors caused by manual effort. Achieve an 80% reduction in payment workload through the implementation of self-service onboarding, automated communications and a unified payment processing interface while mitigating the risk of potential fraud.
Ensure proper authorization of invoices by relevant signatories and obtain sign-off from key executives for payment execution with Kloo.
Retain your suppliers and contractors by providing a wide range of flexible payment options. This minimizes payment risks and allows for payments in local currency, improving service quality.
Avoid the hassle of tracking down supplier tax forms at year-end. Ensure compliance with local taxation bodies by effortlessly gathering all necessary tax and VAT information.
Wasting a huge amount of time and money on manual processes and clunky enterprise tech.
Thanks to Kloo invoice management solutions we now have immediate access to a listing of all of our outstanding liabilities.
Kloo enabled me to see, control and report in real-time where money is spent, freeing up my time to focus on tasks that create company value.
Onboarding to Kloo was quick and seamless. The product is great, intuitive and easy to use which made rolling out to wider business a breeze.
With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting features, Kloo has made it easy for our team to track and manage our company's expenses in real-time.