How Kloo's OCR Powers Efficiency for Xero Users

July 30, 2024
OCR for Xero Users
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Xero is established as a leading platform in financial management, renowned for its extensive suite of financial tools. It has gained recognition for making financial management simpler and more efficient for businesses of all sizes.

But despite Xero's many strengths, there is significant potential for enhancement, particularly in the area of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which is a legacy technology typically used for digital data extraction and offers numerous capabilities for processing documents digitally.

While OCR is not considered a form of emerging technology, this is where Kloo's innovative advancements comes in, whereby introducing artificial intelligence (AI) integrating seamlessly with Xero to elevate its Accounts Payable functions with state-of-the-art features. Kloo’s integration with Xero transforms AP processes, automating invoice uploading, data extraction and input, and matching invoices to POs with exceptional accuracy.

How Does Kloo Do It?

Traditional OCR systems are prone to errors and often require significant manual intervention, disrupting the flow of work and in turn decreasing operational efficiency in the long run. Kloo provides a solution that is a step ahead, in introducing a blend of advanced AI and machine learning as a layer onto processing capabilities. Let's dive into the ways Kloo implements this advanced OCR to carry out a variety of financial operations and functions.


Kloo enhances OCR with AI to ensure autonomous, error-free data extraction and input for invoice processing.

Initially, OCR extracts the data, capturing key information such as invoice number, date, amounts, and line items from scanned documents. However, the real innovation lies in the subsequent processing by AI. The AI uses contextual reasoning to 'understand' the data, accurately interpreting and classifying information even when it appears in different formats or contains complex tables. This ensures all fields are populated correctly, drastically reducing the risk of errors that are common in manual data entry.

Moreover, the AI-generated summaries provide a concise overview of each invoice, highlighting essential details and offering actionable insights that go beyond mere data entry. This dual-layer approach not only enhances accuracy but also accelerates the overall processing time, freeing up valuable resources for more strategic tasks.


Kloo’s AI also ensures precise matching of invoices to their corresponding purchase orders (POs), a critical function for maintaining financial accuracy and control.

For example, a purchase order might display a supplier's full name, while the invoice shows an abbreviated version or a slight variation in formatting. Traditional systems would struggle with such discrepancies, requiring manual intervention to resolve mismatches. However, Kloo’s AI excels in recognising these subtle variations through advanced contextual reasoning. It can accurately match invoices to POs even when there are minor inconsistencies in data representation.

Additionally, the AI considers factors such as item descriptions, quantities, and prices to verify the match, ensuring that all components align correctly. This capability is particularly beneficial for complex invoices involving multiple items and varying terms. By automating this intricate matching process, Kloo significantly reduces the time and effort involved in manual verification, leading to a more efficient, error-free workflow. This precision in matching not only streamlines operations but also enhances financial accuracy and reduces the risk of overpayments or duplicate payments.

AI-powered OCR for Invoice verification

Beyond automating data extraction, Kloo’s AI-powered OCR technology revolutionises invoice verification processes.

Legacy OCR systems often struggle with accurately capturing data from diverse invoice formats, leading to discrepancies and the need for manual corrections. Kloo's advanced OCR, however, uses AI to adapt and learn from different invoice layouts, improving its accuracy over time. This dynamic capability ensures that even invoices with varying designs and complex data structures are processed accurately.

The AI component cross-references the captured data against existing records, identifying and flagging any inconsistencies for further review. This proactive approach to invoice verification not only enhances accuracy but also provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that errors are caught and corrected early in the process. Additionally, the AI-driven system enhances fraud detection by recognising unusual patterns and discrepancies that might indicate fraudulent activity, safeguarding your business against potential threats.

Kloo and Xero: Achieving True Automation

Kloo is especially beneficial for businesses handling large volumes of financial documents. By integrating Xero’s comprehensive financial management tools with Kloo's AI-driven OCR, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and accuracy. This partnership not only enhances existing processes but revolutionises them.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, incorporating technologies like Kloo into platforms like Xero is not just advantageous but essential. It signifies a progressive approach to financial management, leveraging AI to simplify and perfect complex tasks.

Learn more about our integration with Xero here.

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