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AP Analytics.

Unlock the power of AP data. For free.

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Analytics in standard accounting systems are limited, lack depth, and are not fit for purpose.

Kloo transforms your data into focused, actionable insights so you can save time on analytics and reporting for Accounts Payable.

Sign up now to join our exclusive beta to get 100% free access to AP Analytics.

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See AP Analytics in action.

Get back visibility and control over your Accounts Payable data.

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Real-time AP dashboards.

Kloo transforms complex and extensive data into focused, actionable insights for your Accounts Payable.

  • Historical and predictive reports 
  • Greater visibility over your spend analytics
  • Monitor your KPIs to drive improvements
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AI-powered procurement advice.

Identify inefficiencies to improve your financial health with Kloo’s smart AP recommendations.

  • AP scorecards provide data-driven insights
  • Plan ahead with outflow forecasting
  • Query your data with Kloo AI
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One-click workflow integration.

Kloo layers seamlessly with your existing accounting tools, ensuring actionable results within minutes.

  • One-click data sharing
  • Save time on manual data reports
  • Supporting a range of ERP systems

Why AP Analytics?


Leverage Kloo's  advanced AI capabilities embedded throughout the platform.


Streamline procure-to-pay efficiency with the detailed AP insights your accounting system lacks.


Intuitive user-friendly interface and navigation, improving overall user experience and functionality.


Easy self-service customisation and configuration with no need for third party development.


Strengthen supplier partnerships and say goodbye to late payment penalties.


Seamless, one-click data sharing between Kloo and your current accounting tools.