Current enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are not sufficient to handle company Accounts Payable (AP) processes. These systems are often lacking in terms of functionality and are not purpose-built for the processes at hand, leading to a negative cycle of bad automation practice across finance teams and businesses alike.
Findings from The CFO’s finance automation survey indicate that 50% of overall respondents do not raise purchase orders because they are simply too hard to organise through their current ERP systems. A staggering 60% of these respondents also report being dissatisfied with their current purchase request tools, limiting overall adoption. Why might this be?These findings underscore significant challenges in the ways finance teams are hindered by manual processes such as invoice matching, raising and approving purchase requests, and establishing audit trails. Current tools are not aligning with user needs and expectations, resulting in delayed purchase order creation, low tool adoption rates, and difficulties in establishing clear audit trails.
Additionally, finance teams and management may not occupy the context to recognise bad practice in automation, therefore not reaching the root of the overall problem. This lack of contextual understanding often leads to an ongoing cycle of inefficiency. Without recognizing the nuances of their inefficient processes, finance teams find it challenging to implement effective solutions.
Kloo harnesses the latest Generative AI technology to supplement ERP systems and optimise AP functions in finance teams. Our pioneering autonomous AP tools are integrated with AI technologies to achieve new levels of accuracy and efficiency, saving time across a variety of financial functions.
While ERPs are often seen as the obvious or easy choice for AP management, they lack in functionality and flexibility for their users. Complex processes, rudimentary automation, and manual processing waste hours of time every week for finance teams and disincentivise employee engagement with AP best practice. Kloo provides the solution: leveraging the power of AI technology to automate your AP processes.
Purpose-built to manage a variety of financial functions, Kloo’s built-in automation services streamline the entire AP workflow, from purchase order creation to invoice processing and payment approval. By harnessing the capabilities of AI and automation, Kloo ensures unparalleled accuracy and efficiency, saving valuable time and resources for finance teams.