Supplier context for email approvals

Supplier contextual details for PO email-based approvals

Users will now get a preview of supplier context details upon receiving a purchase request approval email from their inbox. This supplier context will give approvers further details about the supplier being raised in the purchase request, in order to help inform their approval.

Note: All platform users have access to this function, although especially more relevant for Finance Approvers and Organisation Admins. 

Spend Management - 4x4 (1)

In the example purchase request approval email below, you will see further insights about the supplier being raised, which in this case, is HubSpot Inc. The email provides relevant details about the supplier including a top-level overview, its pros and cons, a G2 review matrix, and other supplier alternatives.

These details should help provide context about the supplier and help inform your approval decision.

Kloo Integrations (1)