Introducing: AP Dashboards

Unlock the power of AP data

An AP dashboard is a centralised tool that displays key metrics related to accounts payable, such as outstanding invoices, payment due dates, and approval statuses. It provides real-time visibility and helps streamline the management of payables to ensure timely and efficient payments.

With AP Analytics Dashboards you get: 

  • Historical and predictive reports  

  • Greater visibility over your spend analytics 

  • In-depth productivity analysis 

  • Enhanced control over spending 

  • Constant, real-time data visibility 

By using AP Analytics Dashboards you can enjoy these benefits: 

  • Monitor your KPIs to drive improvements 

  • Plan ahead with outflow forecasting 

  • Strengthen supplier partnerships 

  • Identify inefficiencies to improve your financial health 

  • Identify potential issues early, enabling timely corrective actions 

The types of dashboards you will get are: 

  • AP Balance Summary: Kloo provides a comprehensive overview of a company's outstanding payables at any given time, and is crucial for managing cash flow, prioritising payments, and identifying trends in any payment balances. 

  • Procurement Efficiency (Non-ERP only): This performance metric evaluates the effectiveness and speed of a company's procurement process. Kloo provides digestible reports of your payables data for average invoice processing time, average time assigned to a workflow, average approval time and percentages of invoices with POs raised in advance. 

  • Cashflow Forecasting: Kloo’s AP Analytics can predict future cash requirements using historical payment data and current invoices. This foresight enables better liquidity management, ensuring adequate cash is on hand for obligations.  

  • Vendor Payment Behaviour Analysis: Analysing payment histories, Kloo identifies patterns in vendor behaviour, aiding in predicting potential delays or defaults. This allows proactive management of vendor relationships and negotiation of better terms. 

  • Operational Efficiency(Non-ERP only): Tracking KPIs such as 'Average Time in Invoice Management Stage' and 'Cost per Invoice' in real time allows AP departments to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies instantaneously. This leads to quicker resolutions, process improvements, and ultimately, cost savings. 

Features available on the Dashboard: 

  • Filter between all of your business entities to focus on each one individually 

  • Download consolidated data for different underlying metrics like Cashflow Forecasts, Vendor Payment Health, etc.