How do I raise a ticket in the Customer Portal?

All requests and issues in one place

Got an issue to report?

Head to our Customer Portal - a streamlined way for you to manage your support needs with Kloo. This platform is designed to enhance your experience, providing a single place for all your requests and issue reports. Each ticket will have a progress status so you can see how we're getting on with it. And, you can click into the ticket to easily see all email correspondence related to the issue.

If you haven't logged in before, you'll be prompted to sign up with an email and password. This doesn't have to be the same as your platform login details. 

Want to browse our Knowledge Base?

Head to our Knowledge Base where you'll be able to search and browse through a huge collection of articles and demos. Unsure of how to perform an action on Kloo? Search your question in the Knowledge Base. If you can't find what you're looking for, let us know, and we'll do our best to fix that.