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Finance Benchmarking Report Suggests Automation In Finance

Written by Admin | Jun 2, 2023 7:23:00 AM

In today's fast-paced business landscape, finance departments face increasing pressure to streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. To address these challenges, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recently conducted a comprehensive Finance Benchmarking Report. One of the key findings of the report suggests that implementing automation in finance operations can potentially save between 30% to 40% of the finance team's time. This article aims to explore the extent to which I agree with this conclusion, supported by the survey results indicating respondents' agreement levels. 

Automation as a Time-Saving Tool:

The advent of automation technologies has brought forth significant improvements in various industries, and finance is no exception. Automating routine and repetitive tasks enables finance professionals to focus on more strategic and value-added activities, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. According to the PwC Finance Benchmarking Report, the potential time savings achieved through automation range from 30% to 40%. 

Survey Results: Agreement Levels 

The PwC Finance Benchmarking Report provided insights into the respondents' agreement levels regarding the time-saving potential of automation in the finance sector. Based on the survey results, 47% of respondents strongly agreed with the conclusion, while another 47% somewhat agreed. Only 6% expressed uncertainty. 

Analysis and Opinion:

Considering the overwhelming agreement levels among the survey respondents, it is clear that finance professionals acknowledge the significant benefits that automation can bring to their field. The potential time savings of 30% to 40% signify the magnitude of the impact that automation can have on finance operations.

Automation offers several advantages that contribute to these time savings. First, it eliminates manual data entry and processing, reducing the likelihood of human error and minimizing the time spent on mundane tasks. Second, automated systems can analyze large volumes of data rapidly, enabling finance teams to gain insights and make informed decisions more efficiently. Third, automation allows for the seamless integration of various financial systems, promoting data consistency and accuracy.

Furthermore, the adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) has become increasingly prevalent in finance departments. RPA enables the creation of software robots that can handle repetitive tasks, such as invoice processing, account reconciliation, and report generation. By automating these tasks, finance professionals can focus on higher-value activities, including financial analysis, strategic planning, and risk management.

However, it is important to note that while automation offers immense potential, it may not be suitable for all finance tasks. Certain complex or judgment-based activities may still require human intervention. Finance professionals must exercise caution when determining which tasks to automate, ensuring a balance between efficiency gains and maintaining the necessary human oversight. 


The findings of the PwC Finance Benchmarking Report underscore the significant time-saving potential of automation in finance operations. Supported by the survey results indicating high levels of agreement among respondents, it is evident that automation can transform finance departments by freeing up valuable time for finance professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives.

While the potential time savings of 30% to 40% may vary depending on the specific context and organization, the general consensus within the industry is that automation has a profound impact on efficiency. However, it is crucial to approach automation implementation thoughtfully, considering the nature of tasks and striking the right balance between automation and human expertise.

As technology continues to evolve, finance departments must seize the opportunities presented by automation to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and drive innovation in an ever-competitive business environment.